
Badminton is a racquet sport played by either two opposing players(singles) or two opposing pairs (doubles), who take positions onopposite halves of a rectangular court that is divided by a net.Players score points by striking a shuttlecock with their racquet sothat it passes over the net and lands in their opponents half of thecourt. ! rally ends once the shuttlecock has struck the ground, andthe shuttlecock may only be struck once by each side before itpasses over the net.   "he shuttlecock is a feathered or (in informalmatches) plastic pro#ectile which $ies di%erently from the balls usedin many other sports. &n particular, the feathers create much higherdrag, causing the shuttlecock to decelerate more rapidly.'huttlecocks also have a high top speed compared to the balls inother racquet sports?​