
THE STORY OF LAM-ANG In Nalbuan (La Union) lived Namongan and her husband Don Juan Panganiban. At the time Namongan was getting ready to deliver her first bom, Don Juan had to go to the mountains to punish an Igorot band. While the husband was away. Namongan gave birth to a baby boy. The boy was very strange because he could talk from the moment he was born and even he told his mother that he should be named Lam-ang. He also chose his own baptismal sponsor. And he asked his mother where his father was. When Lam-ang was nine months old and his father had not yet returned, the boy resolved to go after his father. While traveling, he dreamed one night of Igorots celebrating the death of his father. He woke up in anger, believing his dreams to be true. He travelled faster after this and soon reached the place in which he found many Igorots still celebrating around the severed head of his father. He slew them all, except one whom he tortured first before releasing. Upon returning to Nalbuan, several women friends gave him a bath in the Amburayan river. So much was the dirt and so evil was the smell taken off his body that the fish in the river all died. Later, Lom-ang fell in love with a girl named Ines Kannoyan, daughter of the richest man in Kalanutian. Although his mother tried to dissuade him, he nevertheless took a white rooster and a dog with him as he went forth to court Ines. Upon arriving at the house of Ines Kannoyan. Lam-ang found a crowd of rivals vying for the hand of the lady. So Lam-ang made his white rooster crow mightily to impress everyone, and immediately a house in the neighborhood collapsed. The people shouted in surprise and fear. On the way to Kalanutian, he met another suitor of Ines. This rival's name was Sumarang. Upon knowing that they were rivals, they quarreled violently, and Lam-ang slew Sumarang. Hearing the noise of the shouts, Ines Kannoyan looked out her window. This was what Lam-ang expected. And to impress her. he made his dog growl. And the house that collapsed before went up again as if nothing had happened. Duly impressed, Ines Kannoyan and her parents came down and learned from the rooster of the intentions of Lam-ang. The parents said they would beslow the hand of Ines upon Lam-ang it the suitor could equal their wealth consisting of lands and gold. Lam-ang went home and prepared for his wedding. When he returned to Kalanutian, he and his companions were aboard and vessel of gold which more than matched the wealth of his future parents in law. So he mamed Ines and there was great celebration. After some time, the headman of the town reminded Lam-ang that his tum to catch roring (a kind of fish) had come. Lam-ang told Ines that he had a premonition that he would be bitten by a big fish called berkakan (probably of the shark family) while fishing. And it was as he said. He was killed. But the white rooster told Ines that if the bones of Lam-ang could be recovered and gathered together. he might be revived. So, with the help of a diver named Marcos, the bones of Lam-ang were collected; and with the loving ministrations of the rooster, the dog, and Ines Kannoyan, Lam-ang lived again. What is the 20 Verbs 20 Nouns and 12 Pronurs pls patulong​