CHRISTIANDONALDO0219IN CHRISTIANDONALDO0219IN Math Answered Compute the CVL (Customer Lifetime Value) for the ff: situation.1. Mrs. Garcia spends ₱5,000.00 for every visit to a supermarket twice a month for an expected time period of seven years.2. Mr. Reyes spends ₱1,800.00 for every visit to a fast-food chain with his wife and 2 (two) children once a month for an expected time period of one year.3. A senior high school student spends ₱350.00 for every visit in a bookstore once every 3 months for an expected time of 9 months.4. An Overseas Filipino Worker from Dubai spends ₱5,000.00 for every package she sends to the Philippines via courier service once a year for an expected time period of three years.2: Essay writing As a businessman, why is it important to have an excellent customer service for your customers? Give an example of a good customer service. (Answer in at least 6 to 8 sentences)​