Let's Create ACTIVITY OF NON-MENDELIAN INHERITANCE: CODOMINANCE Codominance is type of Non-Mendelian Inheritance wherein relationship of two types of genes is shown. Individuals as the result will receive one type of a gene called an allele from each parent. In this case, it is also noted that neither allele is recessive nor the phenotypes of both alleles are manifested. ACTIVITY TITLE: It's My Baby! OBJECTIVES: A. To determine the possible blood genotypes of the children of the two couples in dispute. B. To identify the real parents of the two babies. 5 C. To prove that hospital has given the right child / baby to the couples in the hospital. SCENARIO: Mrs. Degaano and Mrs. Shegurado simultaneously labored at the same hospital. Both delivered their baby in good condition. After the delivery, both babies were placed in the nursery room. Baby Degaano has blood type B while baby Shegurado has blood type O. When the attending nurse presented the babies to the respective couple Mrs. Shegurado felt that it was not her baby and told the nurse that she might make a mistake and gave the wrong babies to the couples. She told the nurse that her real baby was the baby given to Mrs. Degaano. Mrs. Degaano on the other hand insisted that the baby given to her by the nurse was her real child. An investigation was conducted and blood typing of both couples was done. The following are the blood types of the couples: A. Mr. and Mrs. Degaano - Blood type AB and Heterozygous blood type O. B. Mr. and Mrs. Shegurado - Heterozygous A and Heterozygous B CONDITION: PARA A. Show through the use of Punnett Square the genotypes of the possible blood types of the two couples. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Degaano Blood types of children: 2. Mr. and Mrs. Shegurado B. Answer the following questions? 1. What are the possible blood genotypes of the children of the two couples? Write your answer below. Mr. and Mrs. Degaano Mr. and Mrs. Shegurado 1994 2. Do you think the hospital nurse made a mistake and there was truly switching of baby taking place? Prove your answer.