Learning Task 5. Identify the terms being described below. Write your answer in your answer sheet.
1. This refers to the collection, transportation, processing or disposal, managing and monitoring of waste materials.
2. This refers to the hazard control which involves the measure of replacing one hazardous agent or work process with less dangerous one.
3. A very important method of controlling hazards which involves proper washing of your hair, skin, body and even your clothes.
4. This refers to the preparedness for the first and immediate response in case of any type of emergency.
5. This hazard control refers to the removal of a specific hazard or hazardous work process.
6. What is the term used to call the range of concentration over which a flammable vapor mixed with air will flash or explode if an ignition is present?
7. A cross-disciplinary area concerned with protecting the safety, health and welfare of people engaged in work or employment.
8. The term used in hazard control which involves changing a piece of machinery or work process.
9. The term used to call any piece of equipment which is used to protect the different parts of the body such as ears and eyes such as respirators, face mask, face shield, gloves, boots, etcetera.
10. This is a form of hazard control which involves manipulation of worker/employee's schedule and job rotation.​