ROSETANIOIN ROSETANIOIN English Answered I. EVALUATION: Give your reflection on the following story. (3-5 sentences ONLY).THE LOVE OF A MOTHERFr. Benigno P. Beltran, SVDOnce there lived a poor mother and her son. When he grew up, the son fell in love with a woman whowas not serious with him. He told her he would do anything she asked if only she would marry him. Shetold him: “I will marry you only if you cut out your mother’s heart and bring it to me, only in this way canyou prove your love.” In the dark of the night, he went into the mother’s room, took from his belt a knifefrom his mother’s kitchen, and plunged it into her breast. He cut out her heart and ran with blood stainedhands towards the home of his loved one. As he ran with the heart of his mother in his hands, hestumbled and fell. His mother’s heart said to him. “Be careful my son, you might hurt yourself”​