insert the necessary punctuation marks where they are needed.
1. He John Milton is one of the most celebrated poets in history
2. These are the first two lines of Milton's famous epic Paradise Lost Of man's first disobedience and the fruit, Of that forbidden tree whose mortal taste.
3. Can you think of other artists or creative types who have succeeded in spite of seemingly insurmountable disadvantages.
4. Why do so many of the words in the poem have different meanings from the ones we were used to like spent account fondly etc...
5. These are some of the greatest poem's written by John Milton.
When I Was One and Twenty Paradise Lost and Song on May Morning.
6. Milton loved the classics, and in the 17th century classic meant anything associated with ancient Greece or Rome
7. The heart of the Roman Empire was located in what is now modern day Italy and the sonnet was invented in Italy so it was not a surprise that Milton would favor the original Italian form of the sonnet.
8. This Italian sonnet form is divided into two sections one with eight lines and one with six.
9. Shakespeare on the other hand used a sonnet form that ended with a rhyming two line couplet.
10. The speaker's mind in the poem On His Blindness is a big ball of guilt and confusion He takes pride in his vast intelligence but worries that he failed to use his light when he had it