Activity 9: Complete USSSS Use the words in the box below to supply the missing information in the concept map. is composed of "The SATURATED UNSATURATED SUPERSATURATED SOLUTE SOLVENT Activity 10: USSSS as I was Saying Fill in the blanks the correct word to complete the statement. Choose your answers from the box on the right side. which contains lesser amount than its holding capacity at and is called unsaturated solution." of particular. "The solution which contains solute and can't at a particular temperature and pressure is called solution." of more solute in it example is "The solution which contains amount of solute than its holding at a particular temperature and called solution." 25g of salt in 20 ml of water Can be dassified as example is 100g of salt in 20 mi of water SOLUTION PRESSURE TEMPERATURE SOLUTE SATURATED AMOUNT MAXIMUM HOLD example is 5g of salt in 20 ml of water CAPACITY MORE SUPERSATURATED PRESSURE