
New Puppy in the House Buying a new puppy can have significant effects on a household. For one thing, the puppy keeps the entire family awake for at least two solid weeks. Every night when the puppy is placed in its box, it begins to howl, yip, and whine. A second effect is that the puppy tortures the family by destroying material possessions. Everyday something different is damaged. Family members find chewed belts and shoes, gnawed table legs, and ripped sofa cushions leaking stuffing. In addition, the puppy often misses the paper during the paper-training stage of life. Maybe the most serious problem, is that the puppy causes family arguments. Parents argue with children about who is supposed t feed and walk the dog. Children argue about who gets to play with the puppy first. Everyone argues about who left socks and shoes around for the puppy to find. These continual arguments, along with the effects of sleeplessness and the loss of valued possessions, can really disrupt a household.
