
Underline all the verbs in the following sentences and classify them. Above the verb, write HV for helping verb, LV for linking verb and AV for action verb.

2. I had been to Hawaii before, but I was too young to remember the experience.

3. I remember a lot of friendly Americans approaching me.

6. I was amazed at how white their skin is.

7. I should be friendlier next time around.

8. As I grew older, I became bolder and friendlier around foreigners.

9. I do not hesitate to introduce myself to them.

10. I have been lucky to make friends during my travels abroad.

11. My foreign friends and I still keep in touch to this day.

12. I still get scared of meeting people, but for different reasons this time.

13. I do not like being turned away because of fear or prejudice.

14. Fear and prejudice will only get in the way of friendship.

15. On the other hand, there are so many things to gain from open-mindedness.

16. Foreigners might seem strange or intimidating at first.

17. Once you have talked to them, however, you will learn how little you know about them and their country.

18. More often than not, the bad things you know about foreigners are exaggerated.

19. You will learn a lot of wonderful things about them, their country, and their culture.

20. In the process, you will also realize some things about your own culture.​