1. You are going to investigate how the size of the solid being dissolved affects how fast it dissolves in water. Using the Scientific Method as a guide, you should design a simple experiment and record your results. Be sure to complete each step of the scientific method in order. You should submit a written or typed report to be graded. Remember that you should have stated in your conclusions whether the hypothesis was accepted or rejected, and have provided suggestions for further experimentation. The written report will be rated using the scoring rubric.
Procedure 1. Obtain the two materials and examine them closely: granules of table salt (uncrushed) and crushed table salt.
2. Write a hypothesis in testable form. Describe a test you could conduct to find out which of the two materials dissolves faster.
3. Identify the variable that you need to control in order to have a fair test.
4. Identify the independent (manipulated/cause) and dependent (responding/effect) 5. List all the materials you need, including the amount. You may ask your teacher.
6. Be sure to record all your observations and tabulate them. Write everything that you observed during the dissolving test.