RODENEJRJUMAWIDIN RODENEJRJUMAWIDIN Math Answered 1.find the least common multiple of each set of rational expressions a,b2.find the least common multiple of each set of rational expressions 5x,15y3.find the least common multiple of each set of rational expressions 12x,8x²,6x³4.find the least common multiple of each set of rational expressions ab,a²b²,ab²5.find the least common multiple of each set of rational expressions x²y,xy²6.find the least common multiple of each set of rational expressions c+1,c-17.find the least common multiple of each set of rational expressions r+3,r+28.find the least common multiple of each set of rational expressions a²-1,a+19.find the least common multiple of each set of rational expressions m²+2m+1,m+110.find the least common multiple of each set of rational expressions 5x+2,x-311.find the least common multiple of each set of rational expressions (x+y)²,x²-y²12.find the least common multiple of each set of rational expressions x²-y²,x²+2xy+y²13.find the least common multiple of each set of rational expressions x²,5x+6,x²-x-614.find the least common multiple of each set of rational expressions x+3,x²-9,x-3