
NAME: Evaluate the following texts. Read it carefully and respond to the prompts that follow. SECTION: A Year Full of Sickness by Thea Isabell P. Fernandez Dengue was always just an intermittent part of our tropical country, a casual "rainy season disease," deemed ordinary by the common people. Until, it was declared a national epidemic this August 6 by the Department of Health. With the sudden rise of the cases, questions are asked and suspicions are raised on whether who's at fault. Is it a natural phenomenon? Is it the government? Dengvaxia? Or is it just us? According to Health Secretary Francisco Duque, "It's a phenomenon. No science is able to explain it." Duque said peak in dengue cases has been observed every 3 to 4 years. Though it is said to be a phenomenon, there are still obvious factors that caused the sudden outbreak. Even so, there are ways to help prevent a wider spread of Dengue. In this case, the maxim, "An ounce of cure is worth a pound of cure," is without a doubt unquestionable, considering Dengue has no actual cure. Traditional ways of preventing the disease involve early detection. Once symptoms are observed, it is a must to admit for a check up to our local hospitals. Keeping ourselves hydrated and mosquito-free should be our priority, especially during the rainy season. Insect repellents are effective yet costly. But local herbal concoctions can pose as alternatives. Surroundings should be kept free of spots where stagnant water can accumulate. More than ever, the 4S campaign is an important weapon to use: 1) Search for and destroy mosquito-breeding places; 2) Use self-protection measures; 3) Seek early consultation for fever lasting more than two days; and 4) Say "No" to indiscriminate fogging, with a 5th S to be announced in the early future. We need to address the connections between access to flowing water and the proliferation of mosquitoes, dengue prevalence, stagnant economies and access to health care. Recognizing the link between environment and health should make us realize how thinking about who's at fault is a waste of time, that somehow, we are all at fault and that we are all in this together. Rate the text using the different criteria. Check the attributes that are present the text that you have read. Organization The text is clear and readable. Font style and size are reasonable. Signal words are present to guide the readers. The text has introduction, body and conclusion. Coherence The ideas are connected to the topic. Transition words are used. The flow of ideas is smooth. Unity The text has topic sentence, main idea and supporting details There are no irrelevant information written in text. All sentences help convey the main point of the text. Language Use The words used are easy to understand. The writer's style and tone is appropriate to the material Words are suited to the readers' level. SCORE: Mechanics There are no grammar errors There are no issues in spelling and punctuations. There are no sentence fragments. Content The message of the text is clear. The author's purpose is manifested. The ideas are free from error.​