
Write the letter of your answer on the space provided before each number. 1. Based on the musical element timbre, arrange the following instruments according to the size: (1 Bass 2 Banduria 3 Guitar 4 Octavina) A. 1234 B. 4321 C. 2431 D. 3142 2. What musical element do the songs Atin Cu Pung Singsing and Manang Biday have ju ycyxxi yxyccrvin common? A. melody B. meter. C. timbre D. dynamics 3. Ilocano dancesshow inward movement and are closer to the center and their musical notes stay close to each other. What characteristic or value doesmusicallyhow? A. fright B. reservation C. proudness D. poorness 4. Because of its high pitch range, the banduria usually plays the melody. What musical element does the banduria show in this situation? A. timbre B. melody C. mood D. meter 5. The guitar guides the rondalla in terms of rhythm or beat. In this situation, what musical element does not belong to the group? A. tempo B. meter C. mood. D. melody.h​