
blank. WORD SCRAMBLE Unscramble the letters to reveal the answer for each number. Write the answer on the 1. A written promise to pay a certain amount of money mssoyrorpi tone paper/myamat 2. accounts that add alue to your individual or business worth sessta 3. accounts that remove value from your individual or business worthsitelibaili FER 4. used to identify the individual contribution of money, or other financial equivalent, invested in individual or business worth. letyuq 5. simply the account that tracks all income generatedneeyure LincoUNDED 1947 6. individual accounts setup to record the financial transactions that occur, as expenditure, in generating that income.Nepxees 7. Claims from costumers arising from good sold or services rendered on credit. It represents the debtor's oral promises to pay seton ceeelabvri 8. Amounts due to the creditors which are supported by a promissory note seton yalebap 9. includes typewriters, calculators, cash registers and other similar assets. Temepuiqn N S ACCO 1. 2. 3. 4. 51 6​