
9 8 7 6 5 S No. 4 3 1 2 A D. B. CHEATAR C. ALSAN VACITY E. G. H. PARTS OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM MAIDGRAPH SNUGL F. BONRICH VIALOLE SCHOOLBRINE XYLARN I. HAXYNRP r. S. u. V. W. X. y. 2. FUNCTIONS also called windpipe; a hollow tube that serves as passageway of air into the lungs also called bronchial tubes; two branching tubes that connect the trachea to the lungs also called air sacs; allow the gas exchange in lungs Located behind the nasal cavity and above the larynx. Food as well as air passes through it associated with the production of sound; is situated in the neck of mammals and plays a vital role in the protection of the trachea the organ through which the air enters and is filtered the finer subdivisions of bronchi, hair like tubes that connect to alveoli either of the paired respiratory organs, situated inside the rib cage, that transfer oxygen into the blood and remove carbon dioxide from it muscular wall below the rib cage that contracts when we exhale 14 CO Q1 Science 9​