Learning Task 3: Using the table below. transform the information presented into paragraph form. Write your answer in your notebook. Sector Private Public SUCS/LUCS Grand Total Key Stage 1. Key Stage 2. Kinder to Grade 4 Grade 3... to 6 191,185 1,036,525 872 1,231,582 Co 00 136,897 782,627 824 920,348 ily Plan (2020) Enrollment by Key Stage.. Key Stage 4.. Senior High •School *(G11-12) 270,022 180.695 6,613 457,330 Key Stage 3 Junior High School (G7-10) 272,157 937,290 3,462 1,212,509 Learners with Special Needs Grand To (ES & JHS) 938 10,173 0 11,111 874,199 2,947,31 11,771 3,833,280