Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. 1. Lina has a food business where Leche Flan is one of the desserts they serve. What is use of egg in cooking a leche flan? A. As emulsifier C. As foam B. As gelling agent D. As leavening agent 2. This type of egg is not commonly sold but it can be ordered and purchased as whole. A. Dried eggs C. Fresh eggs D. None of the above B. Frozen eggs 3. What is/are the uses of eggs in culinary A. it can be an accessory arts? C. It can be a main ingredient D. All of the above B. It can be cooked by dry heat 4. Lita is cooking a hardboiled egg. How many minutes are required in cooking egg in the D shell? A. 15 minutes simmering B. 20 minutes simmering 5. What is the use of eggs in pastry products? A. As emulsifier B. As foam C. As gelling agent D. As leavening agent 6. Which of the following market forms of eggs is seldom used? Its whites are used in preparing meringue. C. Frozen eggs D. None of the above C. Formation of greenish discoloration D. Water in egg is squeezed out A. Dried eggs 7. What is the effect of heat on eggs? A. Coagulation of proteins B. Fresh eggs C. 22 minutes simmering D. 25 minutes simmering B. Eggs cannot be prolonged 8. Which of the following is made of high-quality fresh eggs? A. Dried eggs B. Fresh eggs C. Frozen eggs 9. Which of the following food used an egg as foam? A. Cake D. None of the above B. Cookies C. Leche flan 10. Which of the following food used an egg as a thickening agent? A. Cake B. Cookies C. Leche flan D. Meringue D. Meringue