1. Which form of energy travels through empty space and in all directions?
A. electrical B. heat C. light D. sound
2. You are listening to your favorite music in your cellphone. Which form of energy
is present?
A. electrical B. heat C. light D. sound
3. Sun is the main source of energy on Earth. The energy transfers in space through
radiation. What are the forms of energy present?
A. heat and sound C. light and heat
B. heat and electrical D. light and sound
4. Solar panels do not make use of costly fuel and make no noise or pollution.
Which energy does it get from the sun?
A. electrical B. heat C. light D. sound
5. As solar panels get enough energy from the sun, which form of energy does it
A. electrical B. heat C. light D. sound
6. Our body is considered as a heat engine. Which situation uses heat energy in our body?
A. Taking a bath.
B. Doing a 15-minute exercise at home.
C. Studying the lessons in the modules.
D. Watching your favorite video in YouTube.
What I Need to Know
What I Know
City of Good Character
7. Which of the following uses electrical, heat, and sound energy in order to work?
A. bulb B. electric drill C. electric stove D. lampshade
8. Which energy causes us to perspire during summer days?
A. electrical B. heat C. light D. sound
9. What form of energy are produced when a phone rings?
A. electrical B. heat C. light D. sound
10. We use headphones when we are talking to someone in a cellphone. What are
the forms of energy present in headphones? Single out
A. electrical and light C. heat and sound
B. electrical and sound D. light and sound