Computation: Using the formula mass of solute/mass of solution x 100, where mass of solution = mass of solute + mass of solvent, solve for the concentration of solute of the following. Use the given example as guide. (Mass of solution = Mass of solute + Mass of solvent) - REQUIREDFORMULA (1 pt each) APPLICATION (lpt each) SOLUTION (lpt each) STATEMENT / FINAL ANSWER (1 pt each) GIVEN Mass of Mass of solute solvent EXAMPLE: 10ml acetic 170ml water acid mass of acetic acid mass of water x 100 10ml 180ml 10/180 = 0.056 x 100 = 5.56 % 5.56 % acetic acid x 100 30g salt 100g water 5g glucose 80g water 100g milk 300g water 50ml vinegar 140ml water 35g sugar 105g water