
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of people lost their job with no source of
income together with the increasing numbers of people infected by the virus. This resulted to
the big need for blood plasma donors, medicines, doctors, nurses, medical aides, or any form
of medical assistance. The national government involved different agencies, organizations,
and offices, public and private, local and international to support their project to have massive
medical services. Supposed the Department of Health, as its frontline agency, contacted three
of the biggest networks and each of these networks contacted three other networks, and
agencies, organizations, and offices, and so on, until enough of these were contacted. It took
one day for an organization to contact three other organizations and all the contacts made
were completed within four days. Assume that no group was contacted twice.

1. Suppose you are one of the people in the DOH who visualized this project. How
many organizations do you think were contacted in the last round? How many
organizations were contacted within four days?​