D. Idolize peers and media role personalities as sources for standards of behavior, dress, and style.
Activity Sheet No. 3
Direction: Group the following changes in different dimensions happening in the adolescence
period. Write only the letter in the appropriate column below.
A. The reproductive organs of boys and girls grow and develop
B. Capable of thinking critically.
c. Being optimistic and hopeful, searching for adult identity and acceptance
E. Explore and ask
broad unanswerable questions about the meaning of life
F. Enjoy with friends, who share the same interest with them so they stay longer with them after
A Lear that house rules imposed by their parents are there to promote order and harmony at home.
H Have erratic emotions and behaviors, mood swings is mostly experienced
They consider the approval of friends and other adolescents or peers as very important.
J. Enjoy learning skills to apply to real life problems and situations.
K. Bones develop and become harder.
L. Think less of themselves, allowing them to think and reason better.
M. There is a rapid increase in height and weight.
O. Easily offended and sensitive to criticism.
N. They are reflective, introspective, and analytical about their thoughts and feelings.