SUMMATIVE TESTS Directions: Write "D" If the statement is a Direct Speech and "ID" if it is an Indirect Speech. Witteit before the number. 1. We are getting mamied this afternoon. 2. He said I was a very good employee 3. It is sunny here. 4. She said she went to a concert the day 5. She said Harvey is their pet dog. 6. Emily told me she had finished her project. 7. "I am really tired," she said. 8. He told me they had come to the house around 4.30pm. 9. We have eaten breakfast already." Brian said. 10. "Sam can play with you today." Mrs. Groban told me. 11. The director said I had to wear formal clothes to the event. 12. "We shall be quite tired when we finish," said Dan. . 13. have been standing here waiting for the elevator for ages!" 14. She said she had been working on a project for two weeks 15. "That man is trying to get aw