
The ________________ structure is a crucial part in the progress of an organization since it can help or hinder the organization in the movement toward accomplishing these goals. It can achieve higher sales and other profits by properly matching their needs with the structure they use to operate. They come in different shapes and sizes, ______________ for those who have few levels between the worker and owner and _____________ if there are many levels. __________________ is also called as the basic organization framework. When talking about functions, a ______________ function is intended to provide expertise, advice, and support while ____________ is a position that has a direct chain of command. There are three (3) common types of organizational structures: first is _________________ where it is grouped according to its function or purpose, second is _______________ that is typically used in larger companies which operates in a wide geographic area and third is __________________ wherein it is the combination of the two structures that is typically used in large multinational companies. Broader organizational structure identified also two (2) types, first is ________________ which has a set of evolving relationships and patterns of human interaction within an organization, on the other hand, the formal is usually represented with organizational charts and with position descriptions. It is very important to know this information when it comes in analyzing the organization design principles.​