
2. Sinawali is being played using 2 sticks of equal length twirled in fashion for blocking while Solo Baston is played with ?
A. 2 or more sticks
B. single stick
C. not using of stick
D. None of the above

3. Who is the founder of the modern Arnis?
A. Romy Presas
B. Romeo Pressas
C. Remy Presas
D. Remmy Presas

4. Espada y daga means (sword and dagger) which employs;
A. short blade and short dagger
B. long blade and long dagger
C. short blade and long dagger
D. long blade and short dagger

5. In what year did the word Arnes was renamed to Arnis?
A. 1872
B. 1873
C. 1874
D. 1875​​

Sagot :

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