1. Biodiversity is a compound word derived from biological diversity. It is a term used to describe the variety of living things on earth. 2. A community is a group of living things within a certain area that are all of the same species. 3. A population of one kind does not affect a population of another kind within the community. 4. Ecosvatam Diversity is considered as a complex level of diversity. 5. Scientists use a formula called the population index to describe the amount of species diversity in a given area. 6. A community with very low index of diversity is more at risk of extinction if environmental changes occur. 7. A community with very high index of diversity consisting of many species has a better chance of including individuals that might be able to adapt to changes in the environment. 8. An ecosystem is a community of organisma eting with the physical environment. 9. An ecosystem is composed only of bintic fliving components. 10. Limiting factors are usually expressed as a lack of a particular resource which can be biotic or abiotic that affect an ecosystem and the organisme in it. 11. An increase in biodiversity also increases the adaptability of the ecosystem to changing environmental conditions; thus, increasing the population density 12. High biodiversity decreases the survival of organisms in an oconyatem. 13. Low biodiversity can lead to species extinction. 14. When the population of a species decreases rapidly, the species is considered endangered. 15. A species in considered threatened when ita population is very low. 16. Extinction occurs when the last members of that species die, 17. Ecological imbalance happens when there is a disturbance that diarupts the balance of an ecosystem. 16. The trapping of heat by gases in the earth's atmosphere is called. 19, greenhouse effect, Global warming is an increase in the earth's temperature from the rapid buildup of carbon dioxide and other gases in the atmosphere. 20. Greenhouse effect is a man-made process.