
Directions: Read each statement carefully. Write the word YES if you agree in the statement

and write the word NO if you disagree in the statement.

______ 1. Cuticle Nipper is a metal device used for trimming the nails.

______ 2. Orangewood sticks can be used to push back and loosen the cuticle.

______ 3. Emery board can be used to shape the nails.

______4. Nail File is used to shape the nails.

______5. Base coat is applied twice to give strength and color to the nail plate.

______6. Nail polish remover is used to remove new nail polish on the nail.

______7. Topcoat is used to soften and lubricate the skin around the nail.

______8. Cuticle remover is used to soften the cuticle.

______9. Nail brush is used to give glossy shine to nails when polished.

______10. Nail cutter is used for trimming cuticle.​